Next Architecture

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Penn State Fayette, Eberly Building Renovations info

Lemont Furnace, PA

NEXT architecture took a whole-floor approach to accommodating the EET (Electrical Engineering Technology), IST (Information Science and Technology) and General Engineering faculty and campus staff in accomplishing this renovation. These spaces were previously underutilized and could accommodate additional classes and faculty space. NEXT’s work included; Re-examining the existing spaces scheduled to remain (e.g. offices, Art room and exhaust hood), studying the effects of combining different programs into multi-use/flex spaces, creating independent space for added engineering programs (e.g. EMET lab), and inclusion & coordination of all Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment. Penn State is nationally recognized as a leader in engineering technology education, and NEXT felt that taking this more holistic approach would make a statement to the public and to potential students & donors of the new emphasis of engineering and technology on campus and act as a marketing tool in and of itself.

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